Your organisation has engaged Mibo to conduct our Psychosocial Risk Assessment (PRMA)…Traditionally, workplace health and safety has only been interested in preventing physical injuries. But Mibo is focused on helping organisations improve the work environment to look after your mental health and well-being too. Here are some frequently asked questions people ask about completing the assessment:
What is psychosocial safety?
Psychosocial safety covers the parts of your job that influence your mental health and well-being: so things like your workload and demands, your interactions with co-workers and managers, any inappropriate behaviours you experience, and the support you receive at work.
What does confidential mean?
Confidential means that when Mibo receives your responses, we combine them with your co-workers’ answers, where they are securely stored by registered Mibo health professionals bound by Health Regulation confidentiality requirements. Your company only receives group averages (there needs to be 8 or more group members for Mibo to share group results).
So you can be assured that your company cannot find out how you have answered the questions.
What’s involved with doing the assessment?
You’ll receive an email from Mibo inviting you to participate including your personal confidential survey link. The assessment takes about 10 minutes because we want to make sure to cover all the areas that may be affecting your work experience. It’s multiple choice so super easy to answer.
What happens after the survey?
Once the assessment is closed, your company will receive group average scores from Mibo. They will then share group insights with you, consult staff/staff representatives further, and develop action plans to address prioritised work factors. You’ll also be updated on action progress to ensure meaningful improvements are made.
I’m worried that my answers might be used to identify or assign blame to individual staff…
This is not possible because your survey responses are confidentially secured by Mibo health professionals and only contribute to group averages.
Also, this survey does not identify individuals or assign blame. Instead, it will provide insight into response patterns when there are 8 or more group members to help improve general practices that make your workplace safer and more supportive. Your workplace likely has a separate process for reporting individual complaints.
I’m worried about answering the workplace harmful behaviour questions
No problems! The section that asks about harmful behaviours is optional…
How will it benefit me?
Your participation helps create a workplace that better supports you and your teammates.
It is an opportunity for you and your co-workers to help minimise company risks, build on strengths, and create a safer, healthier and more supportive workplace. It’s also your chance to directly influence the strategies developed to support all workers’ mental health and well-being.
What’s the difference between this survey and the other ones we already do?
While traditional surveys tend to explore work aspects like culture, and employee job satisfaction, engagement and morale, the Psychosocial Risk Assessment specifically examines how work factors impact staff mental health and well-being.
For example, high work demands or harassment might lead to harmful stress, while great leader support can improve well-being.
I’m tired of doing surveys and nothing changing…
This assessment is different because unlike traditional employee surveys, psychosocial risk assessments (PRMAs) focus specifically on mental health and well-being.
Also, your company is legally required to take reasonable steps to address prioritised company risk factors, then monitor and evaluate how effective those actions are. Workplace regulators may check compliance with these requirements.
Do I need to finish the complete survey in one sitting?
No. Since you have your own confidential link, your progress is automatically saved so you can pick up where you left off when you come back to it.
The survey isn’t working. What should I do?
Refresh the page. If it still doesn’t work, log out and back in. If issues persist, take a screenshot of your problem if you can and report it to your direct leader or contact support at
I didn’t receive the survey email. What now?
Check your spam/junk folder. If it’s not there, request another email or contact support at for help.
The link isn’t working. What can I do?
Refresh the page and try again. If that doesn’t fix it, reach out to your direct leader or Mibo support with a screenshot.
Does the survey autosave?
Yes, your progress auto saves as you complete the survey.
If you encounter other issues, contact for assistance!