Our Story.

Mibo is the result of two long time friends coming together…Sean Fyfe, the Physiotherapist and Exercise Scientist; and Dr. Anthony Ross, the Psychologist.  Both having personally competed professionally in sport, worked together with professional athletes and high-performance sport organisations, founded and led successful businesses, and provided clinical health care to the general population and increasingly corporate clients. 

Anthony and Sean applied learnings from management in high-performance sport to launch and lead their own successful businesses including:

  • The work environment is fundamental to the health, retention, and performance of employees and therefore business success

  • Quality data is a key foundation to understanding employees

  • A coaching mindset for managers to help teams thrive

  • Demonstrating care for employees by prioritising their health and well-being leads to a loyal and productive workforce

However, in their roles as clinical health care providers, Sean and Anthony were supporting an increasing number of workers burnt out, in pain, de-motivated and presenting mental health concerns. Their clients frequently explained the main source of their difficulties came from work environments poorly designed and managed. Stories relating to a lack of organisational care, poor manager skill, unmanageable workloads, limited autonomy, poor role clarity, and the expectation that it was the individual’s responsibility to manage well-being outside of work hours via well-being platforms and EAP programs.

Based on this experience they weren’t surprised to learn that mental health disability and workers compensation claims were fast becoming the biggest general workplace problem.

They asked the question…. How do we help make everyday organisations operate more like high performance sport organisations so they can better protect worker well-being while supporting high performance…reducing the need for reactive clinical health care in the process?

The answer was twofold…

  1. Make supportive psychosocial work environments central to the way organisations operate.

  2. Supplement improved work environments by integrating proactive well-being action and self-care into the workday.

And Mibo was born…

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